Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Multiple fun things:

EverBabe - I know it's not going to make you want to *date* them, but they're not gonna kill you. However, If you can see his eyes, you are WAY too close. {shudder}

From our software instructor, a very nice fellow from London, who has just returned from Thailand with his girlfriend. (And what happens in Bankok, stays in Bankok.) He mentioned that he used a lot of DEET, because "I'd rather my skin fall off than get Malaria." Heh. Too true.


Anonymous said...

Jody - heh, yes, I can't imagine getting my magnifying glass out and crouching quite THAT close to a spider to see if it has dots around its eyes and so might kill me. Did I send you the GROSSEST THING EVER someone sent me which was a series of pictures of a brown recluse spider bite? That one was definitely for the gross hall of fame. Should I make a living will that insists I need to be put gently to sleep rather than live through one of those bites? Will they do that?

P-Dogg said...

Minor point from the Geo-geek in your midst, but its BanGkok. Heh, I guess that kind of fits right in with yer 'what stays in...' statement doesn't it??

whoops - back to trying to not being annoying.....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Bangkok. You know, the oriental setting, where the city don't know what the city is getting? The crème de la crème of the chess world in a show with everything but Yul Brynner!