Monday, July 28, 2008

Tax rebate checks are swallowed by economic malaise - Los Angeles Times

Tax rebate checks are swallowed by economic malaise - Los Angeles Times

That unsettled feeling is just as familiar to Stephanie Veronica, 24, a Chicago cocktail waitress."I don't trust banks," Veronica said, so she cashed her $300 check and promptly stored the money in an old-fashioned steel safe next to her bed.
...... Veronica said. "I went to my bank and kept $500 in there. But the rest, the cash, I keep at home."

i think that this young lady should be thankful for 2 things:

1 - she is a cocktail waitress, not tradtionally known for their money hoarding habits
2 - The article was in the LA Times, not the Chicago Sun Times

That's all that is saving this woman from a rash of home break-in's.

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