Thursday, December 21, 2006

Jacob Paoletta, 1989-2006

Mark wrote an excellent eulogy of Jacob, a local teen who Mark and Jody did wonders for. If you have the time, you might want to hop over and read it.

J&M did everything they could for Jacob, but the main thing they were able to provide was stability, and the knowledge that someone out there besides his dad cared about him. And that is (*has* to be) enough.


Anonymous said...

His father was so great he left a 17year old ADHD teen to fend for himself coming home from work in the dark. He refused to bring Jacob to ball practice in may 2005 and was hit while riding his bike and nearly died. He was so great he had Jacob arrested for stealing and terroristic threats. If you do not know the WHOLE story about his mother and family life.

Anonymous said...

Jacob was actually not riding his bike to ball practice he was riding his bike to work when he worked at kroger, if you want to get snooty then please get your facts straight.. And jacob was not alone on his way home that nigh nor wat he alone the first time he was in an accident..I knew Jacob personally and knew that he wanted nothing to do with his mother.